Find your purpose, live your Dream
Written by Richard Morgan on 16/05/19
Have you ever struggled to get out of bed, the idea of going to a job that seemed pointless almost impossible to do?
I know I have.
Feeling like you are just "going through the motions", whether to a job you can't stand or pursuing a degree you aren't passionate about is a quick route to being consistently unhappy.
This explains why many people with millions in the bank are just plain miserable. They aren't passionate about what they're making their money doing. They aren't passionate about their lives. They are living on auto-pilot without a sense of purpose and that makes them feel like they have no real choices in life!
It's easy to make this mistake and it's one of the ones that takes some effort and courage to break free from. Many people may think you are crazy, if you decide to quit your job as a stock broker to become a fitness trainer. Or switch your major from Business Development to Creative Writing. These same people probably feel trapped when they drag themselves off to their "responsibilities" every day. This is, partly, what motivates them to give such awful advice.
I'm going to suggest you do the exact opposite on your quest to achieve happiness. As your friend and guide here, I'm going to challenge you to get a dream and find purpose! When you do you will put boredom to rest and life will become an adventure!

However I want to clarify, I am not advising anybody to quit their job without a solid plan in place or without results or progress towards their preferred method of making a living. If you have financial responsibilities and people depending on you then you must ensure you take the appropriate action when you are ready and not to take a blind leap of faith simply because you feel inspired that you have now found your purpose and true calling in life.
It seems like the older most people become the more difficult this challenge can be. Some of us even lose such touch with what we truly want and believe we need time to remember exactly what our dreams were and are. Don't worry, this problem can be beat with a little honesty, self-reflection and work.
Keep these things in mind. They'll help.
Consider Your Past Experiences.
Have you ever taken the time to notice how often adversity gives birth to heroism? From the beloved therapist who experienced abuse themselves as a child, to the personal trainer who was an obese teenager. Even the dating coach who didn't have his first date until he was 19 years old! The examples are endless. If you are having trouble identifying your purpose, take a look at your past experiences. The answer may be staring you right in the face! 

And remember this, if you have been through a struggle in your life it means you have experienced a hardship that many others are going through. This experience is the thing that may give your story credibility and build trust with your future clients or followers. It also means that you will be able to connect with the people you will be helping and can share your life experiences to help them progress on their own journey.
Local and World Events.
Has there been an issue either locally or globally that keeps drawing your attention? Not the latest media news bite, but something that's continuously resonated with you? This could be a sign of where your dream and purpose awaits you.
A close friend was always an animal lover since a child, but ended up in a completely unrelated field where she made quite a large income doing something that bored her. At first she donated money to animal shelters, then she went on to volunteer her time at a shelter and eventually she found herself running a shelter herself. She's never been happier. And this is just one example that flashes to mind, of dozens I've been exposed to since studying this subject.
Don't Be Afraid To Dream BIG.
The bigger your dream is the better. It may take a step by step approach to get you where you'd like to be, but it's worth it. Even the wildest sense of purpose can be great to devote yourself to, as long as it's something you feel burning inside. The stories are out there if you choose to look for them of people who are living their dream in ways that are unbelievable and astonishing. 

Time and time again people have testified that if your dream and purpose involves helping others the universe definitely seems to conspire in your favour. Call it karma, the law of attraction or something else, whatever it may be it's impossible to ignore. I too can testify to this!
Live Your Dream... Find Your Purpose... Start Today!

The rest of the content on this site can help you to have more ideas about finding your purpose which will help you in your journey to greater happiness. 

Alternatively you can get in touch with me and see how I can help you personally and get you results fast like I have done with all my other clients.

I wish you all the happiness you can possibly get! Take care of yourself!

Richard Morgan

Richard Morgan shows people how to take control of their thoughts and how to develop a happiness mindset. This naturally leads to increased success in all areas of life. 
If you want to learn how to increase your happiness quickly, then reach out and request a free strategy session today.
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